The recent City of Calgary Housing Report which I shared earlier stated the following in regards to Detached Home:
Driven by gains from homes priced above $600,000, new listings reached 1,228 units in January, which is 29 per cent higher than last year. At the same time, sales activity slowed to 674 units, which brought levels in line with long-term trends. The improvement in new listings relative to sales did help support inventory gains. However, the 1,448 units in inventory are still nearly 27 per cent lower than levels we traditionally see in January, and the months of supply remained relatively low at just over two months.
The stats above confirm that the inventory levels for single family homes are definitely lower than what we see in January. This is a good time to consider selling if you are in the market to do so. Generally the inventory levels start to increase as we get closer to spring. Give me a call and we can chat about your real estate needs and concerns.
Gerard at 403-703-5548
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